Thursday, 24 September 2009

Music Video Theory

Chosen theorist: Andrew Goodwin

About the theorist
Andrew Goodwin suggested that music videos have to have certain key features or at least a majority of them in order to be recognisable and successful. He has identified a number of key features in music videos. The key features that he believes is that there is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, and a relationship between the music and the visuals. This relationship is shown through visual illustrating, amplifying or by contradicting the lyrics or music. Another key feature is close-ups of the main artist or vocalist. He also believes that the practice of obtaining sexual gratification by look at a sexual objects or acts play a part in music videos; this term is often referred to as Voyeurism. The final key feature is that intertextual references arise to other media products present. He says that music videos are often constructed by the link between the visuals and the song plus the artist. Relationships are built between these in the video, and the close-ups of the artists gives them the representation and publicity they require. Voyeurism is used to increase the video’s attractiveness, particularly to males, whilst intertextuality is often employed in humorous videos.

My opinion

I think music and visuals have a strong link anyways therefore should relate to one another, I also agree that lots of close ups should be used as this helps portray the artists image and publicise them as an artist rather than just another music video out on the market. I think voyeurism is particularly shown in R & B music and they rely heavily on the appearance of a women’s body to make their music video attractive especially to attract the male audience. Goodwin also states that music videos demonstrate certain characteristics linked with the genre of the music, girl groups would usually include a dance routine example The Saturdays ‘I just cant get enough’ and Girls aloud ‘Biology’. Or say if it was a rock band they also tend to have a staged performance element to it. I strongly think that there should be a relationship between lyrics/music and visuals as this gives connection and helps portray the storyline or narrative.

Analysis of Chosen video
Taking back sunday - You're so last summer

I have decided to analysis a music video by the band that I have chosen to make my music video to. Within the first few seconds Goodwin’s theory appears present about certain genres having certain characteristics. Goodwin says that most rock bands have a performance element and this video is no different the video is based on the band performing to the camera. Close-ups of the main singer are present once again proving Goodwin’s theory correct, This close up gives a close view of what they are wearing portraying them in a clear light it also gives a personal approach that the viewer can have with the performer. This music vido is particularly interesting as it is of two artists that have came together to produce a song, Taking band Sunday are a traditional rock band whereas the rap artist that is featured in the video conveys convention that are traditional for rap artists, the close up shots really help portray these singularly as taking band Sundays outfits are very dull and their make is very black with eyeliner where as ’Flavor flav’ is wearing baggy clothing, with a gold chain around his neck showing the music genre he is normally associated with. The main body of the video portrays the band performing the song on stage, while Flavor Flav and Adam Lazzara (Taking band Sundays main singer) alternatively sing the lyrics. The video concludes with a shot showing the band members standing in the street on which the music video opened, and, one by one, disappearing, until Lazzara alone remains. When ‘Flavor Flav’ and ‘Adam Lazzara’ are singing this is mainly when the close-ups are being used. Even though this is a all male group no dance routines are present yet I don’t think this would be appropriate for rock music due to the heavy baseline and upbeat rhythm. I don’t think the lyrics really correspond with the visuals as there isn’t really a storyline played amongst this it is mainly performance based however through what we can see we pick up emotions that they may be feeling.

Applying Goodwin's theory to our music video:
Andrew Goodwin's theory applies to our music video that we are to make. This is because, as the band that we have chosen to use (Taking Back Sunday) has a genre of rock, we have decided to include a performance within our footage. We are also going to assure that our visuals have a relationship with the lyrics of the song, these will be illustrating what is being said in the story behind the lyrics, this will make it easier to the viewer to understand the song and know what it is about. We have analyzed the lyrics to the song we have chosen (Cute Without The E) and have several original ideas. Another way in which our music video will support Goodwin's theory is having close-ups of the two main singers, as this is what all music videos include it is vital that we have several of these included within our video. We will also have close ups of objects such as the drum sticks/drum kit when it is being played and the guitars. We have discussed many close ups which will add a professional tough to our video.

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