Monday, 21 September 2009

Analysis of chosen artist and genre

About the band
Taking back Sunday is an American rock band which was formed in 1999, and are still popular these days and continue to release new songs and albums. Their latest album is ‘New again’ which was released on the 2nd of June 2009. The current members are vocalist Adam Lazzara, guitarist/back-up vocalist Matthew Fazzi, guitarist Eddie Reyes, drummer Mark O'Connell, and bassist/back-up vocalist Matt Rubano. All together they have released four studio albums, their most succesful studio album was ‘Louder now’ this sold over 600,000 copies. Taking Back Sunday have many official websites, these give information such as tour dates, news on the band, photos of the band live, bio, the online store in which fans can purchase Taking Back Sunday merchandise and many more; this shows that they are a successful band still by keeping up with regular technology, as computers and the internet is seen as a big part of peoples lives these days and by they contacting their fans through this type of media shows they are a modern rock band. After taking part in gigs and live music concerts the band eventually signed with Victory Records who released in March of 2002 their debut full-length album. “Tell All Your Friends”; the record broke into the top 10 of the Bill board Magazine’s Independent chat; the group crisscrossed the United States getting dates and shows with more national acts, including Boxcar Racer, The Used and Jimmy Eat World.

Meet the band members :

Lazzara is the vocalist

Matthew Fazzi is the guitarist and back-up vocalist

Eddie Reyes is also aguitarist

Mark O’Connell is the drummer

Matt Rubano is the bassist and also a back-up vocalist

About the Genre - Rock
This genre of music entered our mainstream in the 60's, and some of its roots include 1940's and 50's rock and roll, rhythm and blues, country music and also drew on folk music, jazz and classical. The sound of rock music tends to revolve around instruments such as the guitar, Rock music uses strong beats that are laid down by a rhythm section of electric bass guitars, drums, keyboards and piano's.
The late 1960’s and 70’s is when rock music developed sub genres amongst the title of Rock music, for example when it was blended with folk music it became folk rock, with blues it created blues-rock and with upbeat jazz music is became jazz-rock fusion.
1970’s: It incorporated its influences from soul, Funk and Latin music. This decade subgenres such as Soft rock, glam rock, heavy metal rock, hard rock, progressive rock and punk rock became well known and entered the music business.
1980’s: The rock genres that emerged were New wave rock, hardcore punk rock and alternative rock.
1990's: The rock subgenres included Grunge rock, Britpop Rock, indie rock and nu metal rock.
As you can see from the timetable above rock continued to expand over the decade and even this day in age it remains one of the most popular genres.
A rock band or groups are a group of musicians that specialise in rock music. These groups consist of an electric guitarist, lead singers, a lead singer who plays an instrument also, bass performers. Some groups omit one or more of these roles and/or utilize a lead singer who plays an instrument while singing, sometimes forming a due or trio. Because the genre music is such a wide group more rarely, groups also utilize stringed instruments such as violins or cellos, and even woodwind instruments such as saxophones and even brass instruments such as trumpets this gives different effects and an interesting approach to their music. As its such a wide genre it means experimenting with different instruments can end up creating something unique and effective.

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