Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Style models

I felt it was definitely important to follow a style model when designing the album poster as this is an important element in portraying the band into mainstream. This is the promotional device which influences people to go out and buy the dvd so therefore it was important to get it just right. The style model us as a group followed was ‘No doubt’; what I like about this poster advert was how the bands image takes up a majority of the page, I felt when taking original photography for this poster we had to get it just right, and get the band to convey a fun emotion to indicate what type of people they are and what type of music they specialise in. I also like how the bottom half of the poster has been cut of with a black box and checked line even, having a plain background behind text allows attention to focus on what it being shown rather than back ground images that may distract attention away from it.

We used Madonna’s dvd cover as a style model for the back of our dvd cover, after researching many dvd’s covers we found that not many had over 12 songs yet us as a group felt it was important to have a lot ensuring that the buyer was getting value for money as well as getting a lot from the product they buy. The only thing we are changing from this style model is that Madonna’s songs are listed in one long line but we have decided to use a similar number of songs yet use two columns side by side.

This is the original style model that we used when designing our DVD front cover. We made several designs such as 3 skulls divided up on the cover, two boys and one girl. These were meant to symbolise the band members. However, after sketching this idea out it didn't look as affective and professional as we wanted. We liked the idea of the skull so we came up with 2 other possible designs. One being the design we used and the other being a skull with a gun in the eye. We felt this idea was affective although it matched the lyrics of our chosen song; 'Cute Without The E' which was not appropriate as we wanted the front cover of the DVD to reflect the band. As we all liked this idea we chose to modify it by putting the band members into the eye of the hand drawn skull. We all feel that this idea is better as it shows the viewers who the band are and what they look like.

We saw this album cover by ‘The Used’ and thought it matched the type of genre of our band. After analysing this album cover we decided to use the black and white element of it as we like the little colour it includes. However, we still wanted our music DVD cover to look different. Therefore we decided to use ‘sepia’ as our chosen colour scheme within our merchandise. We also took the idea of the script font for the album name. We used this as our band name and kept the same script throughout as this would be more affective for our viewer to see and recognise.

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