The DVD disc had no flaws with it what so ever as 100% of people that looked at this image said that the disc looked professional and was original how it is part of the image on the front cover. We took feedback from the other image and changed all the text to white as we want all the text to flow together. The website at the bottom was said to be ‘a nice extra’ to the disc.
Dvd advertisement: This is our rough sketch of what our inside of the DVD cover will look like. After asking 20 people what they thought about this design and how they we could improve the design their feedback was taken into account. They suggested that instead of having black text we could change it to white. This is in order for the test to stand out more against the sepia background. We made these changes to the inside of the DVD cover and the rest of our merchandise. Everyone that we asked said they liked the script font that we chose to use for the bands name. 100% of people asked stated that they thought the idea of the DVD being a section of the skull image behind it was an excellent idea. They said it all fits together like a jigsaw. 80% of people that looked at this image said we needed another photograph in the bottom left hand corner of the cover. This is where I have drawn the outline of the picture we used under the dates of the tour. Everyone that looked at this image said that the tour dates is very original and is helpful to the viewer. 10% of people said that their should be the song lyrics on the inside cover behind the DVD on top of the skull, however the other 90% of people said that the skull is more affective by itself. Therefore when we come to making the DVD inside cover we will use the image of the skull by itself.
For the poster we did a drafting sketch before making it 5 people from the 20 didn’t like the idea of the image dominant on the poster yet the other 15 thought it was a great idea as it really catches peoples attention in and it’s a good opportunity to portray the band. Other opinions that they give us was to get the emotion of the band members similar, emotions which they said were laughing, happiness and fun. I will try and interpret these when it comes to original photography.
Front of DVD insert flyer:
100% of the people we asked about our rough sketch really linked the idea of taking part of the skulls features and cropping it down, 2 people we asked suggested we used the eyes of the skull but after trying this in the making it didn’t seem to work as well as the teeth. Therefore we decided to use the original idea saying as a majority of people were actually in favour of us going with the teeth idea.
Back of DVD insert flyer:
17 out of 20 thought it was an effective idea to use the same image on the front as the back because when it is turned about they see the same thing which makes the reader think about it and therefore makes them likely to read the information that is on it. 100% liked the idea of having the bands name across the top again reminding the reader of the bands name and style.
This is a sketch of what our DVD cover will look like, front, back and spine. We asked 20 media students to look at this design and tell us possible things we could improve on, and also what they like about this design. 70% of people said that their needs to be another image on the front cover, such as a band shot. I have outlined a where we will place a photo in the left eye of the skull. When I then suggested this as an idea to the 70% of people that suggested it needed another image they all agreed that this was a quirky and original way of adding in an extra photo.
On this sketch there is only 19 songs, as my style model had 21 and the song listings are written in two colomns 19/20 people said I should round it up to 20 songs on the DVD. I also agreed with this and when we come to make our DVD cover we will include an extra song. This will make it look more neat and tidy.
Where there is a blank box, this is where we will write copyright information. 20/20 people we asked said that this will make our music DVD cover look more professional as this copyright information appears on many DVD's. I will make the information relevant to our DVD and I will also make it in a small font as I do not want to draw the readers attention away from the DVD cover itself.
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